Arrived last night in South Africa about 9:10pm. I finally have stamps in my passport! After a somewhat stressful search for my ride and team, I found them. It was nerve-racking, walking around as a single white woman, looking lost, cabbies left and right offering rides. Nevertheless, I met up with Tim, our host, and Greg, one of my teammates. Time was really cool, impressed with my good packing job, and drove us to his house to stay the night. To be honest, it almost felt like California-a background with a playhouse and a trampoline, we watched Patch Adams while drinking Rooibos tea, chatting a bit. So, now, introducing the team...
Greg: a dad with 19 year old daughter on the year team in South Africa. He’s very kind, dad like and from Missouri. He and his wife started an appliance maintenance business and now they have funds to send and go, pretty cool.
Ginger: an (I’m guessing) 30 year old woman, from Oregon originially, now in St.Lous, did a year team in 1999, would like to live abroad, seems like a fun lady!
Nathan: a 26 year old, married with a new baby, enjoys coffee and talking...a very nice guy.
Everyone at this point is still in the “feeling each other out” stage, well, except for Greg--he seems really at ease, which is a comfort to me.
We had a nice breakfast and chat with Tim’s wife, Lindsey. Then, off to the airport. Nathan was on an earlier flight than the rest of us, so we all hung out at a cafe. Got through security and then took a bus to the plane. People are so friendly here, talking to you like they’ve known you for years. I just got this good treatment for an older woman with the calmest voice.
Then, we got dropped off at the tiniest plane, an MA 60. It’s pretty weathered and loud, but we’re in the air on the way to Zim.
Well, I’m now in Zim. The flight was weird, I’ll call it vintage. Sam picked us up-he’s very kind, I really like him. He really loves the Lord and serving Him in a practical way. He makes missioneering real for me, not something far off and unattainable.
The guys that gave us our visas were sweethearts--a bit embarrassed by their meager airport, ie a series of three corrugated steel barns. But, the real deal is being redone, hopefully “if they keep their word,” by the end of the year. A young man checked my bag named Providence-a coincidence? I think not...
After Sam picked us up, we went on a long drive to the house that will serve as our base. It’s beautiful. The grounds are gorgeous-well kept by the caretakers, Anderson and sheila. Same introduced us to his wife, who is the sweetest, most softly spoken woman. She reminds me of a younger version of my grandma. We chatted for a long time about customs and schedules. Here's the basic outline of the trip:
We met our guides for the week, a wonderful couple named Sam and Marlene Poe and had a great dinner, prayed a bit and got the basic outline of the trip. Here goes:
Wednesday: Arrive
Thursday: Go to Antelope Park.
Friday: Morning-Antelope Park
Afternoon-Prayer and Fasting to begin at 4:30
Saturday: Prayer and Fasting (12pm)
Afternoon-Return to Bulawayo Mission House
Sunday: Got to Kezi for the Crossroads Church service
Monday: Tour Ebenezer
Tuesday: More time in Kezi
Return to Bulawayo in the Afternoon
Wednesday: Leave to Mashonaland
Stay night in Harare
Thursday: Travel to Dotitto for Chronological Bible Storying (CBS) Training
Friday: Finish CBS training
Return to Harare
Saturday: CBS Training in Peri-Urban Areas
Sunday: Church service in Harare at Westgate
Drive back to Bulawayo Mission House and Pack Up
Monday: Fly to South Africa
Tuesday: Fly from South Africa to Atlanta (night)
Wednesday: Fly from Atlanta to Boston
And here's a map so you have a visual clue of whereall I went...

Then we have a delicious dinner of native foods-a salad of cucumber, tomato, and cabbage, beef and onions in a sweet curry sauce, and what Zimbabweans call “sweet potatoes”-a white potato with a delightfully subtle sweetness to it. Delish! Then tea and cookies for dessert. A good night.
On the flipside, I’m not quite sure why I’m here. I guess I’m a bit disappointed. I feel like I don’t have the answers that people want from me, I’m unimpressive...maybe this is God working on my people-pleasing and showing me that faith is not found in people’s approval, but in Him...
Headed to Antelope Park tomorrow. Maybe I’ll walk with the lions?! (Post-trip remark: I did.)
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
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